Dan Razzano's Adventure
Dan's essay about his rafting and climbing adventure in the Central Cascades and Deschutes River, Oregon:"Priceless"
Scaling Vertical cliffs, rapelling down a 130 ft face, rafting down a river 3,100 miles from home, these are just a few of the things I got to experience on my trip to Bend, Oregon. On an ordinary situation, I would probably never think of packing my bags to leave for a two week adventure 3,100 miles away from the norm by myself. I would tell myself things like you can't afford it, what's the purpose; what are you trying to prove? I know that the Gene Doyle Memorial Scholarship was created for young people like me that have a heart for adventure and the will to show how important living life to the fullest is.
Plane ticket to Oregon: $330. Two week Outward Bound Expense: $2,200. Gear for the trip: $500. Having the opportunity to experience an adventure of a lifetime: "Priceless". The Gene Doyle Scholarship provided me with the opportunity to embark on an adventure of a lifetime. I didn't have to worry about working to afford my adventure; everything was all taken care of. All I had to do was look forward to an experience that I will now cherish for the rest of my life.
There are many young adults like myself who have the dreams to experience an unforgettable outdoor adventure but aren't in the financial position to follow through with it. I think that people sometimes contemplate between experiencing an adventure and saving the money only to stay home. After experiencing my adventure I've realized that staying at home won't let me paddle down class 4 rapids or dive off 15-foot cliffs into sparking clear water, Staying at home wont let me camp under the stars with nothing but my sleeping bag, but most of all staying at home won't let me remember a life changing experience. I now realize the importance of living a life of adventure because to me adventures are priceless.
After my trip to Oregon, my friend Dave approached me and asked me if I wanted to go hiking in the beautiful Smoky National Park. I didn't hesitate to say yes, because I felt like again everything was taken care of. I had all the gear I needed to experience the outdoors, thanks to the Gene Doyle Scholarship. My most important piece of gear however was the will to go. I don't know if I would have that same will if I didn't get to experience a two week adventure through the scholarship. Now that the trip is over I not only have the memories that came with it but I also have all the "gear" I need to experience more of the outdoors.
I can't really put in words how amazing the Gene Doyle Scholarship is. There are many things in life that are important including family, friends, and an education. I think being awarded any scholarship gives people the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. Many scholarships exist but there is none quite like the Gene Doyle Scholarship. Gene Doyle is truly missed among many people, but his will to experience an adventurous lifestyle still lives among many young people. This scholarship not only allows Gene's Spirit to live on but it brings out smiles in the faces of the many people who get to experience an adventure and brings out smiles in the people who get to hear about them.